“Don’t just make an ad.
Make people feel something

If people don’t feel something about your brand, they’re not going to buy into it. They’re gonna leave it on the shelf, swipe past it on their phones and they’re definitely not going to talk about it at a BBQ. Most brands are invisible, indistinguishable; they’re just a logo on a pack without a story or a soul. And most ads are forgettable, because even though they might be on your telly, they never get in your head or heart.

For over 20 years I’ve been making ads for dozens of bluechip and challenger brands. Some have won awards, some just my mum loves, but i’d like to think most of them have meant something. They’ve connected emotionally and made people feel something. Below are a few of them:

Sorbent. Behind Every Great Australian

Dare Iced Coffee. Callum Murray

Grove Juice. Get Up To Some Good

Totally Workwear. Love Your Work

Superhero. The Floor Is Yours

Forty Winks - Serious About Sleep

Freightliner. To Haul And Back

Farmers Union Iced Coffee - Sad Farewell

Holden VFII - Power Ahead

Dairy Farmers - Milk Matters

The Factsination

If you have a brand that needs wrangling, an insight that needs finding, or an ad that needs writing, let’s chat.
I’m available for creative projects and partnerships with nice people, agencies and direct with businesses.

Or just a pint?


+61 425 829 803